Need a Room or a roommate?
iphone手机如何上外网 has some rooms available
Call for information
Need a roommate to share expenses - use our roommate matching service
Sign up for these informative workshops!
Working with large datasets? Genomes, transcriptomes, image data?
Join WS15 on Sunday afternoon to learn about the iPlant Collaborative’s free cyber platform for storing, analyzing and sharing large datasets.”
Thinking about publishing in journals?
Consider these:
WS#10 Publishing in 2014: What Should Authors and Publishers Do?
WS#18酷上加酷 SpaceX星际飞船工厂买了一台机器狗 - 硬件 ...:今天 · 6月18日消息,据国外媒体报道,太空探索公司SpaceX位于博卡奇卡的星际飞船制造工厂日前引入了一台波士顿动力的Spot机器人,其已经出现在工厂现场。
Or this HOT topic -
WS#1 Georeferencing Natural History Collections: A Crash Course in Translating Locality Data into Geographic Coordinates.
email: to sign up!
Botany 2014 Registration
Conference Registration Rates
Build your Schedule - Here's How
Announcing Botany 2014's Plenary Speaker
Charles Mann
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If you need a Letter of Invitation, email with the title of your abstract, the abstract number and any special details that should be included in the letter. You will receive an email of the letter within 10 days of the request.
Have the program book in your pocket at all times. See what is happening, from comments about sessions, trending topics, and special announcements. Please note - the app is an entirely separate product and does NOT link with the custom scheduling tool on We recommend you use one or the other.
Audio-Visual Information
All contributed paper and symposium sessions will be in a variety of meeting rooms. Audio amplification equipment will be provided in all rooms as needed. LCD projectors and computer stations will be available as standard presentation options. Computers will support Windows and Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.
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Be sure to double-check your presentation for accuracy as PowerPoint does not always carry over from MacIntosh to Windows operating systems. For computer presentations, files can be accepted on USB stick.
All Posters should fit onto bulletin boards 4 ft high by 4 ft wide (1.21 meters x 1.21 meters). Materials may be secured to bulletin boards with push-pins, which will be provided. All posters will be on display for the duration of the conference, and an All Society Poster Session will be held on Monday, July 28th. Posters will be grouped by topic and included within the program of the disciplinary section or society chosen by the submitting author. Recent Topics Posters will be displayed as a seperate section and also presented on Monday as part of the All Society Poster Session.
Oral papers, or podium presentations, will be 15 minutes in length (inclusive of questions). Papers will be grouped into topical sessions and included within the program of the disciplinary section or society chosen by the submitting author.
Make your Hotel Reservations
Future Botany Conferences
Botany 2015 - Edmonton, Alberta - July 25 - 29, 2015
Botany 2016 - Savannah, Georgia - July 29 - August 2, 2016 |
Would you like to have your poster video-taped during the conference?

Especially for Students - Register Now!
Free Workshops - Sunday Afternoon
WS#19 Professional Development Workshop: Graduate School – How to Apply and What to Expect
WS# 20 Crafting an effective elevator speech and Communicating Broader Impacts of Your Work: Networking Workshop for Students and PostDocs
And on Monday - sign up for the
Student Involvement in Botany Lunch
and the
Student Social and Networking Event
Botany in Action - Firewise!
Our annual service project - join us!
Conference to be held at the Boise Centre
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